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Pre-owned historically black colleges and universities: an encyclopedia (hardcover) by f erik brooks, glenn l starks

Pre-owned historically black colleges and universities: an encyclopedia (hardcover) by f erik brooks, glenn l starks

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9780313394157. pre-owned: good condition. hard cover. language: english. pages: 388. sewn binding. cloth over boards. with dust jacket. 388 p. contains: unspecified. this exhaustive analysis of historically black colleges and universities (hbcus) throughout history discusses the institutions and the major events, individuals, and organizations that have contributed to their existence. the oldest hbcu, cheyney university of pennsylvania, was founded in 1837 by quaker philanthropist richard humphreys as the institute for colored youth. by 1902, at least 85 such schools had been established and, in subsequent years, the total grew to 105. today approximately 16 percent of america's black college students are enrolled in hbcus. historically black colleges and universities: an encyclopedia brings the stories of these schools together in a comprehensive volume that explores the origin and history of each historically black college and university in the united states. major founders and contributors to hbcus, including whites, free blacks, churches, and states, are discussed and distinguished alumni are profiled. specific examples of the impact of hbcus and their alumni on american culture and the social and political history of the united states are also examined. in addition to looking at the hbcus themselves, the book analyzes historical events and legislation of the past 174 years that impacted the founding, funding, and growth of these history-making schools.

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